My alchemist. My home at sea, my home in these islands that preserve for me hidden treasures, memories stashed from my childhood, youth, and now adulthood. My being, my mind, is co-extensive with this constantly undulating, constantly renewing body of water. Imprinted upon my body are the instinctual memories of these currents, tides, and swirling winds. As I navigate through channels, circumnavigate islands, and sleep over in bays, I'm always returning home, finding stashed treasures, and stashing new ones--ephemeral gems that I carry in the recesses of my mind, wherever I go. Where ever I am in the world, I close my eyes and there I am sailing under spinnaker on those last few gusts of wind into Samson Narrows, diving into the warm waters of Stuart channel, cooking dinner at Wallace Island, timing the tides at Active Pass, or stern tying in Princess Bay. Sailing in these waters takes time and turns it into treasure, alchemy. And this is my Alchemist.
The colours and tones below contain an ephemeral glimpse of some of the beautiful emotions and moments I shared with friends aboard my 22' Catalina sailboat, Alchemist. I've since sold Alchemist, moving on to become the caretaker of Jura, a vessel that will carry me into stormier waters, but Alchemist will always hold a special place in my heart. 

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